Friday, February 1, 2013

The Sky is Blue

Laying down Jo's urn to Loyola was a hard decision for our parents who were caught in the memories of our dear brother and the fact that we had lost him. But eventually after reflecting and accepting that it would be "lighter" for them to have him in the safe and also considering that the house had been subjected to two floods in a span of three years, Ondoy and Habagat to be more specific, Nanay and Tatay finally agreed to have Jo there.

A, together with M, R and I arranged the necessary logistics.  We had a Thanksgiving Service at the Provident Christian Church in the morning of  09 December 2012, Bro. Ronald Failano shared a message of hope not only to our family but also to the others who came. M hosted the Service and had each of us in the family share our thoughts on Joross's demise before we finally send him off from our physical home. P, Jo's, girlfriend was also there to give her message.

Our family  provided a simple lunch for those who stayed and joined us to the cemetery.  And at 2pm, we brought Joross's remains to the Crematorium and lay it to the temporary safe (he was laid to his permanent safe on 31 January 2013 with Nanay, Tatay, A, M and R just witnessing it). On LP's lead, white balloons with messages were released to embrace the blue sky and said hello to our dear brother. It will be his 24th birthday on 04 February 2013 and we continue to pray for justice.

We haven't received any good news from the investigators, but we will never falter for even after the storms that has passed to our lives, the sky remained blue as it is. As it is written:
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. " Genesis 50:20

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Departed but Never Forgotten

15 November 2012, the day that our family deeply grieved for the loss of our brother, Joross Barquia. It has been twenty four days since his death and we continue to cry out for justice and healing especially for our parents who have been deeply affected by his sudden and tragic lost. Help us in praying and hoping that justice will be achieved.


On his way to LRT Station 2, our brother traversed N.Domingo St.  from G.B. Santos. At around 08:30 pm he was stabbed by unidentified men and found bleeding along A.Lake St. and N.Domingo St., San Juan City. He was brought to the San Juan Medical Center but was later declared dead after an hour of reviving him.


As of today, the case is still under investigation. We would like to believe the process but its been dragging. We just hope that before the 100th day, there would be a positive update from the authorities.


1. BE THANKFUL - As we lay him to his final resting place yesterday, our family remains thankful to God. Up to the last minute, the experience brought Joross's friends and colleagues to the Lord. For as it is written in Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." 

2. HAVE TIME FOR EACH OTHER - No matter how busy parents and adult or teen children are that their schedules seldom meet, find time for each other. We learned the value of a small note of appreciation left at your table or bed, a short conversation while having meals, short moments that could mean a lot.

Today we grieve but we also rejoice, 
for we know in time, we will meet Joross again... 
He may have departed but he will never be forgotten.